Destination Kayak

Single Day Kayak Classes

ACA Instructor Led Classes for skills, assessments, and self confidence.

Coastal Kayaking Progression

"101" Basic Strokes and Refinement

Approximate Course Length: 6 hours (with breaks)

Load your kayak “tool bag” with a variety of skills to gain better maneuverability, stability, and boat control. Improve your forward stroke to be efficient and safe. Avoid wasting energy with practicing and learning developmental skills on engaging the legs and core to help you have more time and fun on the water with less effort. Our ACA Certified instructor will focus in on individual difficulties of each paddler with one-on-one instruction and positive encouragement. This class is perfect for those who have never had a class or looking to get an ACA Level 1 Assessment.

"102" Advanced Strokes & Rescues

Approximate Course Length: 8 hours (with breaks)

After a quick review of the  “101” class, the “102” focuses on finesse and introducing new techniques such as draws, bow rudders, bracing, and balance bracing. After a warm up in this class, the real fun begins! This class will introduce you to a number of safe techniques for self rescues and assisted rescues. There are many types of kayaks, and many options to re-enter the kayak after a swim. Learn safe efficient techniques for a re-entry, whether your kayak of choice is a recreational sit-on-top or a long slender sea kayak. This class is perfect for those interested in learning ways to be proficient in self rescue and buddy rescue or if you are  seeking an ACA Level 2 Assessment- “Essentials of Kayak Touring” .

"103" Sea Kayak Rolling

Approximate Course Length: 6 hours (with breaks)

LEARN TO ROLL! Rolling a kayak is the easiest self-rescue you can put in your “tool bag”. Having a solid roll changes everything! It is one of the best achievements and confidence boosters a kayaker can experience. We offer private rolling classes as well as small group classes. Each class is broken up to three 2 hour sessions. We take each step of the role and break it down to individual steps to help you baby step your way into a successful roll without feeling overwhelmed. This class is recommended for anyone looking to advance their abilities and confidence. A kayakers greatest defense against an accidental swim is having a solid roll!

"104" Surf Launch & Beach Approach

Approximate Course Length: 6 hours (with breaks)

Ever wonder what is out beyond the breakers? Looking to earn your ACA Level 3 Coastal Kayaking Assessment? This class goes over the fundamentals of boat control, wave mechanics, and all the in’s and outs of kayaking through surf. This is a great class for perfecting your bracing, boat control, and edging. Obtain your ACA Level 3 Assessment or take this class to open a whole new world of excitement and exploration. Gain a whole new understanding of wave terminology and dynamics with ACA Instructor Justin- who grew up surfing along the coast of Florida and spent 20 years in the US Navy as an Oceanographer. 

"105" Sea Kayak Surfing Workshop

Approximate Course Length: 6 hours (with breaks)

There is no better thrill than riding on the organic energy of an ocean wave. This class will bring all the skills together in a collective unit.   Perfect your edging, bracing, rolling and boat control in dynamic conditions. Learn how to surf down the face of a wave in your sea kayak, or use a rental boat from our fleet. This trip is offered in various locations with a homebase of paddling out to Waties Island. The island is a privately owned undeveloped island; for us, that means a clear landscape with no swimmers or obstacles to worry about. 

On Land Kayak Workshops

Approximate Course Length: 6 hours (with lunch & breaks)

The value of a seated workshop on land is unmeasurable. Hosting on land workshops takes away many of the difficulties and hurdles of teaching on water. In the water it is difficult to hear information or get excellent explanations due to the environmental conditions. Our on land workshops cover a variety of topics all geared to help you make the best out of a day on the water. The benefits of these classes go far beyond valuable understanding and knowledge. It is also a great opportunity to meet other local paddlers with the same interests.

ACA Instructor Led Classes

Essential Eligibility Criteria (EEC):
ACA courses are open to all individuals who acknowledge the ability to perform the
following essential eligibility criteria.
1. Breathe independently (i.e., not require medical devices to sustain breathing)
2. Independently maintain sealed airway passages while under water
3. Independently hold head upright without neck / head support
4. Manage personal care independently or with assistance of a companion
5. Manage personal mobility independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance
6. Follow instructions and effectively communicate independently or with assistance of a
7. Independently turn from face-down to face-up and remain floating face up
while wearing a properly fitted life jacket
8. Get on / off or in / out of a paddlecraft independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance
9. Independently get out and from under a capsized paddlecraft
10. Remount or reenter the paddlecraft following deep water capsize
independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance
11. Maintain a safe body position while attempting skills, activities and rescues listed
in the appropriate Course Outline, and have the ability to recognize and identify
to others when such efforts would be unsafe given your personal situation